Welcome and Guidance
This module will be practically based with a strong reflective emphasis. It will demonstrate your ability to organise, research, evaluate and reflect upon mission in the light of insights gained from your Level 1 Reaching People studies. It then proceeds to look in depth at a variety of models for effective communication of the gospel in contemporary society.
Together with the recorded lectures and notes provided - this space is intended to be for ongoing reflection and dialogue between everyone who is working through this Distance Learning Module.
My expectations of your involvement is that you will take the opportunity to comment along the lines of the discussion points contributing up to 150 words to what hopefully will become an ongoing conversation. These contributions are not assessed nor will any disagreement with me be marked down!! I am hoping that it will contribute to an environment where sharing opinions are not seen as arguing rather that in sharing opinions and insights a creative learning tension will benefit a corporate ongoing development of the understanding of mission.
This site is under construction and features will be added to help deepen your understanding of Mission.
Hi Deborah!
Please don't be terrified! In no way are your comments assesed or marked but I hope that there will be a sense of corporate learning as DL's engage with the material.
You make a good point about the study guide - thanks
Peter, Chris Carol and Carol. I'm looking forward to seeing how this all works out. If you have problems posting to the site just let me know.
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Well, I have never blogged before, but read many of them, and so looking forward to this debate!
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Well Done Catherine and welcome!
Well, here goes. I'm looking forward to these discussions and hopefully I can achieve the first thing which is to log on!
Well I almost got that right - looks like I'm going to be known as 'Anonymous', but I shall try and remember to sign my name each time.
Sandra Hall
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